Adventures of a Drama Teacher

{September 22, 2007}   I must have been a bad girl.

Difficult week; to say the least. 24 Hour Theatre (spending the night at the school with 40 10th graders and creating a themed performance within 24 hours) proved to be more than my constitution can handle. I equate this with spending an entire day in the dentist chair. Nothing more to be said.

UTDS is going great. Character work is extremely entertaining. We are on schedule. I am still worried about getting the set done, as I have no stagecraft class, and the one that is offered by the school and taught by someone else really only focuses on lighting and sound.

The police finally showed up this morning so we are a bit closer to driving legally. I bought a vacuum today which if you really know me, you know that makes me happy and this one really sucks in a good way!

After spending Monday night without an iota of sleep we also had back to school night on Thursday which didn’t finish until 10:00 PM. No rest for the wicked. As I wrote before I must have been a side-kick to Lucifer in a former life.

Mo is learning French and I am proud he joined the elementary school drama club.

et cetera